5Rhythms Exploration Sessions
5Rhythms dance sessions are guided movement experience, journey through music waves in which we take time we take to rediscover unity of our mind, body and emotional landscapes. We call in curiosity to explore how these parts play with each other, play with others, and create unified dance of support, trust and safety. Dance in which we practice being real and vulnerable, being playful and spiritual, being together and on our own.
Or simply…we ShowUP, we meet, we move, we shed what we don’t need and cherish treasures we find, we sweat and connect!

is when I arrive in body, re-discover smooth connections between breath and movement, feet and ground, body and awareness. Flowing is when I fall on Earth to become a river.

is a line fire between here and where I want to be. It is a light of clarity, direction of passion. It is a beat in my bones.

is a breath of freedom, a form beyond forms. A marriage between base and wildness. It swipes me away and I am reborn.

is a game, a flight, connection between Your fingertips and mine. Curiosity in motion. Willingness to be in the moment, acknowledge it's holiness and let it go.

is a pause between dream and being awake, pause between one movement and another, inhale and exhale. It is a presence withing knowledge that everything just IS.
Every Friday: 19:30-21:30h
Sun, 2 Feb: 10:30-12:30h
​2 March
EdanZ, van Oldenbarneveltlaan 6, 9716 EJ Groningen
single session €20,-
value card: 10x €150,- (1 year valid)
try-out card 2x €25,- (2 month valid)
You can buy tickets here or at the door.